Participants Membership
The interested Participant Member can register as Regular attendee without paper, with papers(s) as Author presenting her/his works in a Poster Session,
as Student, as Speaker delivering a Lecture or Tutorial, and/or as Co-TechPartner.
For further information contact us >>>
A u t h o r s
All prospective ARWtr2025 participants are invited to submit their work in paper format, written in English language, previously unpublished and relevant to the conference topics to be evaluated by the Technical Committee. The accepted
The first step of the paper submission process for each potential paper starts with the submission. of a
The Author of approved paper
Digest Instructions for Authors
Submission of digest(s)
This is the first step in the paper submission process for the "Corresponding Author"(Note) for each potential Full Paper.
Considering the above guidelines and Digest Instructions for Authors, the
(Note)The Author who submits the Digest(s)/Paper(s) manuscript(s) should be designated as “Corresponding Author.” The “Corresponding Author” will receive future communications regarding the paper(s). The decision letter about the acceptance of the paper will be sent to the Corresponding Author.
(1)All Authors should ensure that their paper fulfil the ARWtr_Statement_of_Originality: “All Authors of the submitted paper confirm that they have not published the paper with the same title neither content completely nor in parts of it in any other format before (journals, conferences, workshops, symposia or any other contribution).”
S t u d e n t s
Students are particularly encouraged to participate in the Conference. The objective is to offer the Students a genuine opportunity to discuss their ongoing research and put place it from a practical knowledge standpoint. This offers Students a unique chance to establish collaboration links with practitioners and specialists from the industry in the specific area of Transformers.
To promote the Students participation, in addition to the reduced fee offered by the Organisation, Students can apply for one of the grants in the ARWtr2025 Student Grant Competition promoted by CIGRE, IEEE PES and ReiNtransf, which covers the registration fee.
Participation in Student Grant Competition does not exclude participation from presenting regular papers at poster sessions or giving lectures in oral sessions, if applicable.
ARWtr2025 Student Grant Competition
Students are invited to apply for one of the four grants. Each grant covers one registration fee. Two grants are offered by CIGRE, one by IEEE PES, and one by RediNtransf.
- Condition to participate in the Student Grant Competition:
· Must be in the final year of an Ms.C., or Ph.D. program, or less than four years postdoctoral.
· Must be under 32 years old.
· Must inform the Organization in advance by e-mail , about the intention to participate in the Competition according to the deadlines.
·Must submit a
- Selection of the Student Grant awarded:
Selection of the students awarded in the Student Grant Competition will be made on the basis of acceptance of the submitted paper according to rated by the Technical Committee.
ARWtr2025 Janusz Turowski Student Award
The best paper based on the Technical Committee's ratings among the awarded Students, will be recognised with the ARWtr2025 “Janusz Turowski Student Award” [ JTBio ] during the Closing Session.
The Students accepted and presented Final Full Papers will be submitted to be posted and published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, as well as indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases.
S p e a k e r s
Outstanding specialists, the Key Speakers, are invited to deliver Key Lectures on hot topics during the Oral Sessions. Each Lecture will last 30 minutes, including time for discussions. Proposals are welcome and will be evaluated by the Technical Committee.
The names of the Speakers will be listed here.
If you are interested contact us >>
Co-TechPartners Membership
Co-TechPartners and T e c h n i c a l E x h i b i t i o n
Prospective Co-TechPartners RedIn Membership are welcomed to promote the latest technical solutions and create or strengthen privileged contacts within this unique gathering of researchers, scientists, engineers, and market players.
For further information contact us >>>
R e g i s t r a t i o n
Registration application process will be posted here.
Categories of Registration
(1) RediNtransf. All applicants for registration will be considered a participation membership under this modality unless another option is explicitly indicated. This refers to the NPO conference organizer (VAT under this option is excluded according to Spanish Law).
(1) CIGRE and IEEE Member. A membership number will be requested.
(2) Non-Member Participants. Applicants who do not fall into any of the other categories
(3) Students. Applicants eligible for reduced fee or competing for grants awarded by CIGRE, IEEE PES, and RediNtransf. A student certificate will be required to confirm student status. The number of Student registrations is limited.
(4) Accompanying Person. Refers to a spouse, family member, or friend accompanying one of the above participants in the specified category, who will not have access to the Technical activities. A colleague, delegate, partner, or student is not considered an accompanying person.
Attendance F e e
Early Bird Registration – April 1 to June 14, 2025
(1) €600.00 | (2) €700.00 | (3) €450.00 | (4) €420.00
Regular Registration – June 15 to August 15, 2025
(1) €670.00 | (2) €770.00 | (3) €480.00 | (4) €450.00
Late Registration – After August 15, 2025
(1) €750.00 | (2) €850.00 | (3) €550.00 | (4) €500.00
For each additional paper registered by the same Authors, an additional €100.00 will be charged.
* For extra bank charges, 5% of the final registration amount will be added.
Admission Items
Authors, Co-Authors, Speakers, Regular Attendees (under one categories as
RediNtransf, CIGRE and IEEE, Non-Member, and Students) Registration covers:
Admission to both · Technical activities and · Social activities.
Accompanying Persons Registration covers:
Admission only to · Social activities. | Technical activities are excluded in this category.
Additional Paper Registration covers:
Each additional accepted paper, besides the first paper implicitly included in the Author Registration.
To include papers in the Final Programme, the corresponding Author has to be registered by August 15, 2025. The corresponding Author is the one who submitted the Paper(s) for the review process.
· Technical activities :
Oral Sessions, Poster-Coffee Sessions and Tutorials, one paper in the Final Programme, and the Attendee Pack.
· Social activities :
Lunches, Sunday Welcome Reception, Monday Supper, Tuesday Banquet, and Technical visits.
* For any cancellation before the end of August 2025, €150.00 will be charged. Registrations will not be refunded after September 2025.