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Welcome _to Call for P a r t i c i p a t i o n

21st Anniversary of the first ARWtr2004

Welcome to the ARWtr2025 conference!

We are excited to bring together leading experts, researchers, and professionals from around the world to share insights, explore innovations, and foster collaboration in Transformers. Whether you're presenting cutting-edge research, participating in discussions, or networking with peers, we hope this conference provides valuable opportunities to deepen knowledge and conceive new projects.

The International ARWtr (Advanced Research of transformers) conference was conceived as an influential and recognized international event, entirely devoted to share the highest level of practical knowledge in the field of Transformers. Started in Vigo (Spain) in 2004 with the patronage of CIGRE Spain and Portugal National Committees, IEEE PES Spain Chapter, and techical co-sporsorship of the Iberian TSOs and the main Iberian tranformer manufactures. ARWtr is now organized as a regular event every three years. Recent successful editions took place in Cordoba (Spain) hosted by ABB Transformer (now Hitachi Energy) and University of Cordoba in 2019, and the most recent one in Baiona (Spain) in 2022.

The 8th edition of the conference, ARWtr2025, hosted by University of Vigo, will be held at Baiona at The Parador Royal Palace in Baiona, Spain, in October (12) 13-15, 2025. This marks the fourth time the event will be hosted at this venue, a medieval castle transformed into one of the jewels of the Spain's estate-run Parador hotels. Baiona is a modern village well connected to the world by motorway, high-speed trains, and an airport with connections Spain’s major cities and several international destinations.

The Royal Village of Baiona, a major trading center in the Middle Ages, is now a exclusive coastal destination in the northwest of Spain, not far from the UNESCO World Heritage cities of Porto, Portugal, and Santiago de Compostela. These places, known for their beauty, friendly people, vibrant atmosphere, wine, cuisine, and rich cultural heritage, offer a truly unique experience.

Hopefully, ARWtr will be an excellent opportunity to meet again with our colleagues in-person faciliting to recover that we all missed during the pandemic. In this occasion, we commemorate the 21th Anniversary of the first edition 2004 and it will be an excellent motivation to celebrate altogether that it reaches this iconic number consolidating the enthusiastic initiative led by Prof. Janusz Turowski and and Prof. Xose Lopez-Fernandez.

All attendees are welcome to participate as follows:

  • Authors. Those submitting and presenting their accepted papers in Poster Sessions during Coffee-Breaks.
  • Speakers. Those delivering Key-note Lectures or a Tutorial in Oral Sessions.
  • Co-TechPartners. Those showing their competencies and lastest solutions in a technical exhibition during Coffee Breaks-Poster Sessions.
  • Students. Those applying to a reduced fee or competing for grants awarded by CIGRE, IEEE PES, and RediNtransf.
  • Regular Attendees. Participants who do not fall into any of the above categories.

In keeping with the event's traditional spirit, the ARWtr2025 structure will consist:

  • Oral Sessions. Outstanding specialists, the Key Speakers, will be invited to deliver fixed lectures on key topics. Proposals for lectures are welcome and will be evaluated by Technical Committee.
  • Poster Sessions. All participants are invited to submit their work in paper format according to the deadlines. Selected works in a peer-review process by Technical Committee, will be presented for discussion during Coffee Break-Poster Sessions. Papers of broader interest may also be invited for Oral Sessions. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus and Web of Science databases, as done with peer-selected paper from ARWtr2019 and ARWtr2022 peer-selected papers.
  • Technical Exhibitions. They are conceived to facilitate the Co-TechPartners in sharing their latest technical solutions with researchers, scientists, engineers, and market player.
  • Tutorials. Participants are welcome to propose tutorials, which will be evaluated by Technical Committee.
  • Special Sessions. Dedicated to discussions on the state of knowledge and future initiatives. Proposals are welcome and will be evaluated by the Technical Committee.
  • Technical Visit and Social Events. Extra technical and social activities will be included in the ARWtr2025 program to foster a friendly and family-like atmosphere.

Lastly, Baiona will warmly welcome all participants, offering its beautiful environment, beaches, gastronomy, and hospitality in a place rich with historic heritage.

The organizing team is committed to making ARWtr2025 a spectacular and memorable event for all attendees.

Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to a productive and inspiring event!

Technical _S c o p e

The scope of the conference includes new trends and technological advances in design, analysis, manufacturing, measurements, diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, and maintenance for power, instrument, and high-frequency Transformers. This edition will promote hot-topics and far-reaching challenges about technology advances focused on applications and practices supported by artificial intelligence.

The International Technical Committee welcomes original contributions covering all aspects of Transformers and their components. Contributions are encouraged from, but not limited to, the themes and topics in the following areas:




- Monitoring methods
- Diagnostic, prognosis and maintenance methods
- Life management techniques
- Modelling, design and computation
- Digital twin technology
- Criteria for the proof design
- Design and modelling
- Heating and cooling
- Fault analysis
- Mechanical design of tanks, undercarriage
- Noise and vibration
- Resonance behavior
- Optimal selection between different core types
- Stray losses, screening and local excessive heating hazard
- Superconducting
- Economic in transformer management
- Ageing/ Replacement/ Refurbishments
- Market opportunities

And all you could IMAGINE in the Future  . .  :  :  ·  ·····>

About ARWtr C o n f e r e n c e s

Prof. Janusz Turowski (Lodz University of Technology, Poland (1927 · Kowel, Poland during the interwar period/ now Ukraine – 2020 · Lodz, Poland)) and Prof. Xose M. Lopez-Fernandez (University of Vigo, Galicia, Spain) met for the first time in the beautiful Baltic region of Sopot-Gdansk, Poland, during ISEF1997. It is not until 2001 when Janusz and Xose met again for the second time in Cracow, Poland, during ISEF2001. During those days in September 2001, inspired by Janusz, a brilliant initiative emerged to organize an international, friendly, and familiar meeting dedicated to sharing the highest level of practical knowledge in the field of transformers in Spain. Xose envisioned Galicia, with its genuine atmosphere, as the ideal location for this meeting, which now represents The International Advanced Research Workshop on Transformers (ARWtr).

Starting in Vigo- Spain in 2004, under patronage of CIGRE Spain and Portugal National Committees, IEEE PES Spain Chapter, and with the technical co-sponsorship of Iberian TSOs and the leading Iberian transformer manufactures, ARWtr is now established as a regular event organized every three years, hosted by University of Vigo. After the first edition in Vigo (ARWtr2004), highly successful editions followed in Baiona (ARWtr2007, celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Prof. Turowski), with logistic technical support from EFACEC Transformers (Porto, Portugal), as well as Santiago de Compostela (ARWtr2010), Baiona (ARWtr2013), and La Toja Island (ARWtr2016) all in Galicia (Spain). Once consolidated, ARWtr2019 was successfully held in Cordoba (Andalucia), hosted by ABB Transformers (now Hitachi Energy) and the University of Cordoba, making the first edition held outside Galicia. The most recent edition, hosted by the University of Vigo, returned to Baiona for ARWtr2022. The upcoming edition, ARWtr2025, will again be held in Baiona to commemorate the 21st Anniversary of the first event in 2004.

This Conference has earned a prominent position in the Transformers community during its 21 years of activity. More importantly, it brings together a strongly connected and loyal group of outstanding specialists in their fields.

The ARWtr group has proven to be well-established and recognized for fostering a stimulating atmosphere of practical knowledge exchange and discussion on new challenges faced daily. These challenges involve tracking emerging scenarios that demand cutting-edge solutions or advanced transformer concepts, along with their components and equipment, which are expected to play a vital role in future systems.

The ARWtr was always conscientious for taking care of the publication of the presented papers to ensure they are properly disseminated in the literature. Such papers are submitted to a blind peer-review process conducted by the International Technical Committee and Editorial Board. Selected final full papers from ARWtr2010 to ARWtr2016 were published in COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Lastly, those selected ARWtr final full papers are being published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases since ARWtr2019.

None of the above would be possible without the involvement of passionate and brilliant individuals. Their determined contributions have been recognized with the title of Distinguished ARWtr Member since 2016. The title was awarded to Emilio Palazuelos Berto (Iberdrola) in 2016, Adolfo Ibero Ortega (Arteche) in 2019, and Carlos González Patiño (REE Red Eléctrica) in 2022.

After Janusz's passing in 2020, the Janusz Turowski Student Award was established at ARWtr2022 to recognize the best Student paper during the Closing Session, as a tribute to the legacy of the initiative to which we owe much to Turowski.

This is the memories of the ARWtr History in Pictures ···>>

Organisers and Early CoTechnical Members

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